HOT Sports + Toys is a wholesaler, which distributes boardgames of several brands.
From classical boardgames,to family and childrens games.
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7 Days of Westerplatte G-3 Games,coop game
Product Code: 7926427 Days of Westerplatte7 Days of Westerplatte theme is connected with the events of 1939. Although ye..
Balloon Pop bordspel EN
Product Code: 794023Balloon Pop boardgame In Balloon Pop, your goal is to make groups of balloons that are all the same ..
Bottle Imp, Lautapelit EN/ FR/DE
Product Code: 794066Bottle Imp - cardgame - Lautapelit ENDown goes the price and up goes the risk. Take advantage of the..
Bride and groom game German Identity G.
Product Code: 798208Das grösse Braut & Brautigam Hochzeits Spiel. German language only !Mit ganz vielen Ideen und Inform..
Byzanz cardgame-Lautapelit EN/DE/FR/FI
Product Code: 794059Byzanz cardgame - LautapelitIn the bustling market of Byzanz, bundles of goods are available to savv..
Captain Sonar 2nd Edition EN
Product Code: 794111Captain Sonar 2nd Edition Captain Sonar is an innovative real-time game that challenges two teams to..
Craftsmen boardgame
Product Code: 792628Craftsmen will take the players into medieval times where they will participate in the process of re..
Cuzco boardgame - NL / DE / EN
Product Code: 793454In Cuzco, players will build up the land full of villages, cities and crops. They will build and exp..
Cyclades Hades - Matagot EN / FR / DE * delivery time unknown *
Product Code: 794120Cyclades Hades - Matagotconsists of four modules that can be used individuallyor combined in various..
Cyclades Titans - Matagot EN/FR/DE/PL * Delivery time unknown *
Product Code: 794119Cyclades Titans - MatagotThe second expansion for Cyclades, includesa new game board with large isla..
Cyclades, Matagot EN /FR/DE * delivery time unknown *
Product Code: 794379Cyclades Game, Matagot.Victory requires respect for all the gods - players cannot afford to sacrific..
Dice Town, Dice game, Matagot EN * delivery time unknown *
Product Code: 794181Dice Town, Dice game, Matagot, ENG is a fast and clever game for 2 to 5 players, that uses Poker Dic..
Dokmus, Boardgame Lautapelit EN/DE/FR/ES/FI/SE * delivery time unknwon *
Product Code: 794061Dokmus Boardgame - Lautapelit. Your goal is to lead an expedition to the island of Dokmus,the ancest..
Dungeon Rush card game,ENG.Lautapelit * delivery time unknown *
Product Code: 794053Dungeon Rush card game. ENGIn Dungeon Rush, the players are adventurers who are rushing through a da..
Eclipse 2nd dawn for the Galaxy Lautapelit.EN * delivery time unknown *
Product Code: 794043Eclipse 2nd Dawn, Boardgame Ystari Games. ENGthe 2nd edition, with stunning artwork and game-compone..