HOT Games

Heye puzzles

Heye puzzles

HOT is distributor for the Heye puzzles in the Netherlands.

Heye is well know for the distinctive triangular boxes and cartoon puzzles from artists like Degano and Mordillo, the gothic puzzles of Victoria Francés, Cris Ortega and many more ...

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Puzzle Abyssinian,J.P.2000 Heye 29810

Puzzle Abyssinian,J.P.2000 Heye 29810

Product Code: 809810

Puzzle Abyssinian 2000 pieces Heye 29810Series, Jolly Pets. Artist; Dean Russo.Puzzlesize 96,6 x 68,..

Puzzle African Habitat 1000 pc.Heye 29639
* expected week 47 *

Puzzle African Habitat 1000 pc.Heye 29639 * expected week 47 *

Product Code: 809639

Puzzle African Habitat 1000 pcs.Heye 29639Serie, Funky Zoo. Artist. Marino Degano. Cartoon artist Ma..

Week 47
Puzzle Alpine Fun,1000 pc.Heye trian.29680
* expected week 46 *

Puzzle Alpine Fun,1000 pc.Heye trian.29680 * expected week 46 *

Product Code: 809680

Puzzle Alpine Fun 1000 pc.Trian. Heye 29680Artist, Birgit Tanck. Seeries, Comic. Puzzlesize 70x50 cm..

Week 46
Puzzle Apocalypse 2000 Tri.Heye 29577

Puzzle Apocalypse 2000 Tri.Heye 29577

Product Code: 809577

Puzzle, Apocalypse 2000 pieces Heye.Artist, Jean-Jaques Loup.Puzzle size 96,6 x 68,8 cm.Box size tr..

Puzzle Arche Noah 2000 Trian.Heye 25475

Puzzle Arche Noah 2000 Trian.Heye 25475

Product Code: 805475

Puzzle, Arche Noah 2000 pcs. Heye nr. 25475.Artist, Jean-Jaques Loup. Serie, Comic. Puzzlesize 68 x ..

Puzzle Audrey II People 2000 Heye 29867

Puzzle Audrey II People 2000 Heye 29867

Product Code: 809867

Puzzle Audry II 2000 pcs. Heye 29867Series, People. Artist, Johnny Cheuk. Size puzzle 97 x 69 cm.B..

Puzzle Audrey, People 1000 pc.Heye 29684

Puzzle Audrey, People 1000 pc.Heye 29684

Product Code: 809684

Puzzle Audrey 1000 pieces Heye 29684Series People, Art Lab. Artist Johnny Cheuk. Size of puzzle 50 x..

Puzzle Australian Habitat 1000 Heye 29870

Puzzle Australian Habitat 1000 Heye 29870

Product Code: 809870

Puzzle Australian Habitat 1000 pcs.Heye 29870Series, Funky Zoo, Comic. Artist, Marino Degano. Cartoo..

Puzzle Bathtub, Zozoville 1000 Heye 29539

Puzzle Bathtub, Zozoville 1000 Heye 29539

Product Code: 809539

Puzzle, Bathtub, Zozoville 1000 pieces Heye.Serie, Zozoville Berlin, Art Lab.Artists, Johan Potma en..

Puzzle Bavaria 2000 Tri.Heye 29700

Puzzle Bavaria 2000 Tri.Heye 29700

Product Code: 809700

Puzzle Bavaria 2000 pc.Tri. Heye 29700Artist, Michael Ryba. Comic.Size puzzle 96,6 x 68,8 cm. Box ..

Puzzle Better Tomorrow1000 Heye 29849

Puzzle Better Tomorrow1000 Heye 29849

Product Code: 809849

Puzzle Better Tomorrow 1000 pcs.Heye 29849Series, dreaming. Artist, Jeremiah Ketner.Puzzle Dimension..

Puzzle Black Forest Habitat 1000 Heye 29638
* delivery time unknown *

Puzzle Black Forest Habitat 1000 Heye 29638 * delivery time unknown *

Product Code: 809638

Puzzle Black Forest Habitat 1000 pieces Heye.Serie, Funky Zoo. Artist, Marino Degano. Cartoon artist..

Week ?
Puzzle Black Kitty,Dream.1000 Heye 29687

Puzzle Black Kitty,Dream.1000 Heye 29687

Product Code: 809687

Puzzle Black Kitty 1000 pieces Heye 29687 Serie, Dreaming, Art Lab.Artist, Jeremiah KetnerSize puzzl..

Puzzle Black or White 1000 Tri.Heye 08793

Puzzle Black or White 1000 Tri.Heye 08793

Product Code: 808793

Puzzle Black or White 1000 pcs.Heye.Artist: Marino Degano. Cartoon Series.Puzzle size: 70 x 50 cm.T..

Puzzle Blue Lake1000 Panora.Heye 29715

Puzzle Blue Lake1000 Panora.Heye 29715

Product Code: 809715

Puzzle Blue Lake 1000 pieces Heye 29715 Serie, Edition Alexander von HumboldtPuzzle dimension 94.5 ..

Showing 16 to 30 of 327 (22 Pages)