Aerobies are rings which resemble frisbees, but they are lighter and more stable. They were designed by Alan Adler in 1984. Here you can see our Aerobie products.
AEROBIE Superdisc Model R-12
Product Code: 560005AEROBIE Superdisc R12 Disc model Frisbee Diameter 12 inch / 25 cm. Assorted colours. Aerobie USA..
AEROBIE-Orbiter triangular boomerang
Product Code: 560003AEROBIE Orbiter Triangle boomerang. Because of the soft rubber, easy to catch.Size 12 inch / 25 cm. ..
AEROBIE-PRO Ring large model A-13
Product Code: 560002Aerobie Pro RingDiameter 13 inchWith the use of special synthetic materials, the Aerobie rings are t..
AEROBIE-Sprint Ring small model A-10
Product Code: 560001Aerobie Sprint Ring, small. Diameter 10 inch/25 centimeters. Because of the use of special synthetic..
Aerobie Pro Lite disc 6,5 cm
Product Code: 560042Aerobie Pro-LiteWith the red or purple pocket disc you can make endless throwing variations.This dis..
AEROBIE-Pro-Blade rectangular
Product Code: 560004Aerobie Pro Blade. Get ready and throw the Aerobie Pro Blade for incredible flight performance. For ..